Henry Asencio - Live Model Painting

Live Charcoal Drawing
Friday, April 11, 2008
6:00p - 9:00p
Live Oil Painting
Saturday, April 12, 2008
1:00p - 4:00p
After a very captivating and successful show last year, we are thrilled to welcome back Henry Asencio for his second live appearance at Vinings Gallery. For those of you who missed last year's show, Henry will once again be creating an original charcoal sketch on Friday evening, and on Saturday we'll crank up the Salsa music and watch as Henry creates an oil on canvas. It is pure joy watching a canvas come alive by such a master.
"Abstract expressionism" or "abstract realism", Asencio's work cannot be pigeonholed by style or semantics. His open brushwork, sweeping color, use of texture and precise drawing skills have resulted in a body of work that has earned him international accolades.
Please mark your calendars for this exciting "Must See" live performance by Henry Asencio. We look forward to welcoming you once again to Vinings Gallery.
Gary Handler
Vinings Gallery