Thad Markham

Out of the Bowl by Thad Markham
The Fifth Major Food Group: FUN.
Out of the Bowl's line of limited edition, hand-painted sculpture will have you playing with your food in no time. Each colorful piece is guaranteed to satisfy your hunger for fun!
Designer Thad Markham is a California native, born and raised in the mountains of Southern California. His youth was spent skiing competitively every winter and racing around Big Bear Lake on jet skis and waterskis all summer. Santa Barbara was the next stop, as Thad pursued an engineering degree at UCSB.
He worked in his field for a mercifully brief time before striking out for more exciting pastures as an entrepeneur. Thad moved to Cambria, California, in 1992.
Years of hard work and long hours later, his business a roaring success, Thad's ever-active mind sought new challenges.
It all started with the bananas.
One bright sunny morning he was sitting at breakfast and his glance fell on a bunch of bananas on the table. "That's funny," he said to himself, "it almost looks like they're dancing."
Thus began his preoccupation with the secret lives of fruits and vegetables... he began haunting the produce department of the grocery store, his mind captivated with a single burning question...
What do the fruits and vegetables do at night when no one is watching?