Nicoletta Belletti Mixed Media Originals

Nicoletta Belletti lives and works in Parma, Italy. Her permenant hometown studio has been open for more than 10 years at Via Farini 63 in Parma. Nicoletta has several artistic collaborations including the Centro Botanico Moutan in Viterbo which keeps the world's greatest collection of Chinese Peonies as well as with Salumificio Terre Ducale (producer of Italian deli meats) and Codap (producer of fine milk and cream products). She has been exhibiting since 2000 exclusively in Italy and now with a growing public interest, she is interested in expanding. Nicoletta enjoys her work and is continually painting having produced over 1100 works since 2002. In Parma, she is the current chairwoman of the Art Group in Confartigianato APLA (an artisan business association). Nicoletta was asked to take part in the 2011 Venice Biennale with the work "My friends and I" promoted by the Italian Pavilion at the 54th International Art Exhibition, curated by Vittorio Sgarbi.
About the technique
She is an original artist, having developed a personal technique in which the medium has become a substantial and characterizing part of her paintings. Nicoletta loves to paint natural scenes utilizing people, animals, flowers, and sea creatures (just to name a few) as subjects for her work. Her work often begins as a charcoal sketche with the hint of acrylic paint on wooden board. She then creates her final wonders by using an acrylic paste medium. It is often laid on with a trowel or spatula and in some cases includes the addition of natural elements such as sand and stone. Her work is varied and has developed in several different artistic, technical, and practical directions. Nicoletta is constantly searching for new material to incorporate into her work. She feels her medium is a substantial part of her paintings and may often be the most distinctive part of her work. Her discovery and utilization of resins has provided rich embellishment, deep depth of field , textural juxtaposition, and creative 3D overlays adding yet another style to her already individualistic repertoire. As you approach one of Nicoletta works, your gaze is lost in the infinite detail, the intertwining seemingly floating colors, and the three dimentionality of each element. You will get lost in a sea of creativtivty, wonder, and emotion.

Bessy SOLD

Handsome Hank SOLD

Cock-A-Doodle-Two SOLD

Adorable Little Pigs SOLD

Farm Life SOLD

Catch Someone's Eye SOLD

To Be at Loggerheads SOLD

As Right as Rain SOLD

Fit as a Fiddle SOLD

Bolt From The Blue SOLD

Daisy SOLD

Rocky SOLD

Sooie SOLD

Sweet Nectar SOLD

To Be in a Pickle SOLD

Just Keep Swimming SOLD

Sun Blooms SOLD

Pastel Gardens SOLD

Baldy SOLD

No Beef SOLD

Run, Pig, Run SOLD

Sun Hawg SOLD

Donkey at Dusk SOLD

Fire Flowers SOLD

Hopper SOLD

Cheese SOLD